McDonald’s - Frites & Potatoes

McDonald's french menu comes with two options: fries or potatoes. Making the choice between the two a never-ending dilemna. So we decided to propose a third option : "the fries-potatoes". Half fries, half potatoes in the same box, available in 1400 restaurants during a week-end.

On twitter, the hashtag #FriesPotatoes generated more than 15.000 tweets and the brand's facebook content generated more than 20.000 comments. On sale during only four days, "the fries potatoes" became McDonald's best easter weekend in a decade with more than 1 million products sold.

During ten days, the campaign ran on facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat with a launch on April 1. Leaving the reality of "the fries-potatoes" in doubt.




Gerblé - Injunctions